
  • Types of Wells

    What Are the Three Types of Wells?

    Many people take having fresh, clean water for granted, but an effective well system deserves much of the credit. CT well water systems tend to take one of three different forms: drilled wells, driven wells, and dug wells. The following is an overview of these three important well types: 1. Drilled Wells Drilled wells are the most […]

  • hurricane season well water emergencies

    The Well Owner’s Guide to Hurricane Season

    With the beginning of summer comes the beginning of hurricane season, which runs from June 1st to November 30th. As of right now, the experts are predicting 13 total storms, six of which are hurricanes, and two of which are forecasted to be major hurricanes. Since it only takes one storm to destroy an entire […]

  • if the power goes out will water still work?

    FAQs About Power Outages and Your Private Well in CT

    Relying on well water as your home’s water source is usually a blessing: the water is fresh and tastes delicious. However, if the electricity goes out, you have to proceed with caution. Here is a look at the answers to the most common questions we get about Connecticut private wells and power outages. If power […]

  • well pumps ct

    Well Pumps Explained

    A CT well water system is pretty simple at first glance—it contains the well where the water is stored and a piping system to get the water into your home. But at the core of it all is the well pump. Here is a closer look what a well pump actually does, and the different […]

  • hurricane well water connecticut

    Preparing Your CT Well Water for Emergencies and Disasters

    Whether it’s a hurricane, a thunderstorm, or something else, when disaster strikes, being prepared can be the difference between life and death. When you rely on your well as a water source, planning ahead and taking extra precautions is even more important. Here are the steps you need to follow in Connecticut to make sure […]

  • how to handle a flooded well in connecticut

    How To Handle a Flooded Well in CT

    When a flood hits, your well water is in danger. Most floods carry a vast amount of contaminants and pollutants, and if they infiltrate your well water, your family’s health is at risk. Important Advisories to Follow As soon as the flood has dissipated, it can be tempting to use your well water, but that […]

  • drinking water from sink

    Arsenic in Connecticut Well Water

    New Study Shows It Is Imperative to Test for Arsenic in Well Water Recently, the National Cancer Institute released the results of a comprehensive study linking a higher occurrence of bladder cancer to the levels of arsenic found in well water. The New England area, including Connecticut, has a 20% higher rate of bladder cancer […]

  • water appreciation - Greco and Haines

    Where Your Well Water Comes From in Connecticut

    You know you get your home’s water supply from your well, but where does your well water come from? It actually comes from what is known as groundwater, and can be much purer than the water found in lakes and rivers. What is Groundwater? Whenever water falls from the sky—in the form of rain, snow, […]

  • Connecticut wellhead - Greco and Haines

    Why Well Casing Extensions in Connecticut?

    Where is your well head located? Is it below the ground, level with the ground, or above the ground? If you answered anything besides above the ground, then you need a well casing extension. A well casing extension is a steel pipe, complete with a waterproof cap, that brings your well head above the surface. […]

  • water droplet

    Water Conservation Tips

    Water Conservation Tips Every Connecticut Private Well Owner Needs to Know As a well owner, you rely on Mother Nature for your water supply. When there’s ample rain, you most likely have ample water, and when there are long periods without precipitation, there’s a chance your well could run dry. Not only does this mean […]