Author Archives

  • drinking water from sink

    Arsenic in Connecticut Well Water

    New Study Shows It Is Imperative to Test for Arsenic in Well Water Recently, the National Cancer Institute released the results of a comprehensive study linking a higher occurrence of bladder cancer to the levels of arsenic found in well water. The New England area, including Connecticut, has a 20% higher rate of bladder cancer […]

  • drinking water from sink

    Sodium and Chloride in Your Connecticut Well Water

    As you know, sodium and chloride are very common elements, and you probably use them every day in the form of table salt. However, just because these elements are commonplace, does not mean they are safe in high amounts. If your Connecticut well water contains more than 250 mg/L of chloride or 100 mg/L of […]

  • Connecticut wellhead - Greco and Haines

    Why Well Casing Extensions in Connecticut?

    Where is your well head located? Is it below the ground, level with the ground, or above the ground? If you answered anything besides above the ground, then you need a well casing extension. A well casing extension is a steel pipe, complete with a waterproof cap, that brings your well head above the surface. […]

  • water droplet

    Water Conservation Tips

    Water Conservation Tips Every Connecticut Private Well Owner Needs to Know As a well owner, you rely on Mother Nature for your water supply. When there’s ample rain, you most likely have ample water, and when there are long periods without precipitation, there’s a chance your well could run dry. Not only does this mean […]

  • Greco & Haines well water testing in Connecticut

    Easy Guide to Reading Well Water Test Results

    You are anxious to see the results of your well water test, but when they finally arrive, you have no idea what they actually mean. The measurements, limits, and standards are enough to confuse anybody, and unless you can decipher them properly, you will have no way of knowing if your well water needs some […]

  • water faucet

    Keeping Your Well Water Healthy

    Well water starts as rain. As it seeps into the ground, it can dissolve solids there that can wind up in the water you drink, cook with and bathe in. Regular testing helps detect and allows you to eliminate any dangerous chemicals or other adulterants. A few of the chemicals and other contaminants that can […]

  • Upgrade Your Well Pump–Now!

    Connecticut residents know they better start preparing for winter early so they don’t have to deal later with the stress and aggravation that snow, ice and subzero temperatures inflict on heating and water systems. Wintertime woes involving malfunctioning water well pumps are among the most common issues plaguing Connecticut business and home owners during winter, […]